Case Study Analysis Methodology
Decide to Plan for Change: Awareness . Key Administrators 2. Super Leader 3. Understand Elements of Change ?Flexible Environment ?Policy ?Philosophy ?Leadership II. Real vs Perceived Need: Interest 1. Identify case study solution Recipient 2. On case study answer West Coast, door car racing took an alternate step ahead in 1964, when Dodge and new rival Mercury both created manufacturing unit exhibition cars that were supercharged and working in fictional S/FX or S/XS classes. One of those, a 1964 Comet Caliente, built by former dragster great Jack Chrisman, swilled nitro and heralded case study solution start of case study answer real schism among what constituted a “stock” computer versus an all out race car sheathed in modern skin. Pontiac loyalist Arnie Beswick followed suit in a new blown GTO, and case study answer war escalated. Though not FX legal, this alteration aptly foreshadowed case study solution future. Politics took case study answer forefront. Letters and telegrams among Detroit and case study solution NHRA’s Jack Hart and tech master Bill “Farmer” Dismuke are rife with terse solutions, private appeals, and questions about competitors’ legality.